Yoga Therapy


yoga psychology

“Yoga is first and foremost a science of Self-realization….It teaches us how to move from our outer bodily and ego-bound identity to our immortal Self that dwells within the heart” (Dr. David Frawley, Yoga and Ayurveda; 1999) Yoga Psychology is the newest branch of psychological healing in the West. But, in the East, Yoga is the science of Mind. Yoga is Psychology. We, in the West, are still learning about these ancient teachings, and we are beginners on this ancient path. We can use these theories to make sense of our perceptions, meaning making , and awareness of the world. The ancient techniques of Yoga were aimed at stabilizing the mind and the body, to build capacity for contemplation and meditation. In modern times, we use Yoga for stress release, for strength and resilience, but also for Spiritual matters, for understanding our true nature. Blending the yoga of the East, with Western perspectives of psychology gives us greater perspective and understanding of ourselves and our reason for existing.


ayurvedic psychology

“Ayurveda is primarily a science of Self-healing aimed at relieving the diseases of body and mind” (Dr. David Frawley, Yoga and Ayurveda; 1999) Ayurveda is the Science of Life. Understanding key concepts of Ayurveda can help us balance all of our systems, including digestion: everything we take in from food to emotions, to thoughts. Ayurveda offers a path to creating daily routines, through diet, exercise regimens and lifestyle , that help curb the fluctuations of the mind that keep us down, that help us balance our stress, and provide foundation for overwhelm. Ayurveda offers a key to well being, and radiance, by making lifestyle changes that support our nervous system and our overall health .


tantra psychology

Tantra offers an expanded paradigm of Life, for it teaches in a non-dual existence. Tantra accepts all of life, without judgment . Tantra gives a foundation for knowing yourself, and finding your own balance within the world that includes both materialism and Spirit. This offers fortitude for working with our discomfort, our fear, our pain. When we remove the underlying judgments of opposites, of our likes and dislikes, of good experiences and bad experiences, and simply allow life to happen as it does, we have more forbearance, more resilience and greater receptivity. Bridging Tantra with Psychology gives us greater scope for noticing how our aversions keep us trapped in complacency. We can use these wisdom teachings to dispel limiting beliefs, limiting values and limiting patterns and cultivate a sense of wholeness and vibrancy.