The Light is within you

 Mission statement

Embodiment is our birthright. The connection between the body, mind and breath, is a natural one. But living in the material world, even when we take time to be in nature, we do not always notice our breath or our body. We become fragmented. Our thoughts overpower us, our bodies become our victim- we push our bodies to get things done, to be productive, to keep up, to keep going. We have forgotten how to listen to our bodies, to slow down and notice what our bodies are telling us. or overwhelmed with our lives. Instead we keep moving , doing, producing, numbing out, until something shakes us up and forces us to stop- whether it be an illness, a break up, a loss of a job, or of someone dear to us,; or we simply become overwhelmed by our lives. When we are at our lowest point, we finally stop and make the time to listen.

Innerlight is about taking that time to listen NOW. The world will not change. Our daily lives will not become less stressful, less full, less productive, but our minds are our own, and it is time for us to take charge of our own mind, and learn how to slow down, to prioritize our own self, health and well being, and to LISTEN.

When the heart and the mind are synchronistic, in unison, in balance with Self, there is harmony. There is possibility. Heart-Mind is Wholeness and it all begins with you, and the Will, the Desire, to walk in the Light.